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What is the function of vacuum pumping in an atmosphere furnace?

Time:2024-07-09 13:34

The purpose of vacuum extraction in an atmosphere furnace is to provide a highly controlled environment to achieve specific heat treatment effects. In daily experiments, atmosphere furnaces often vacuum to conduct experiments. So what is the purpose of this?

A commonly used vacuum atmosphere furnace (click on the image to view product details)
A commonly used vacuum atmosphere furnace (click on the image to view product details)

Prevent oxidation and decarburization: In vacuum or inert atmosphere, the surface of the workpiece will not come into contact with oxygen in the air, thus preventing oxidation and decarburization phenomena. This is particularly important for processing high-precision and high-performance materials.
Removing impurities: By vacuuming, gas impurities such as water vapor and other gases that may be harmful to the workpiece can be removed from the furnace, ensuring a purer processing environment.
Improving surface quality: Heat treatment under vacuum conditions ensures that the surface of the workpiece does not produce oxide skin or other pollutants, thereby maintaining its original surface quality and smoothness.
Improving workpiece performance: Heat treatment in a vacuum environment helps to homogenize the internal structure of the workpiece and improve the mechanical properties of the material, such as strength, toughness, and hardness.
Accurate control of chemical reactions: In some special heat treatment processes, it is necessary to precisely control the chemical reactions inside the material. By vacuuming, gases that interfere with the reaction can be eliminated, ensuring that the reaction proceeds under controlled conditions.
Reducing residual stress: Vacuum heat treatment can effectively reduce residual stress inside the workpiece, improve the overall stability and service life of the workpiece.
Special material treatment: Some high-temperature alloys, composite materials, and other special materials can be heat treated in a vacuum environment to ensure that their performance is not affected by environmental gases, thereby achieving the best heat treatment effect.

Customized furnace size vacuum atmosphere furnace (click on image to view product details)
Customized furnace size vacuum atmosphere furnace (click on image to view product details)

So, the vacuum pumping function of atmosphere furnaces can significantly improve the accuracy and effectiveness of heat treatment processes, especially suitable for high demand industrial applications such as aerospace, electronic industry, precision machinery manufacturing, and other fields.Click to learn more Atmosphere Furnace! Or click on online customer service to learn more about product information!


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